Heard of earning cash from surveys? Yes! They are very true!
Take note however that in the world of internet, 90% of the earning opportunities are most likely scam and only 10% of those are legit. So if you bump into some opportunity, be cautious and do your independent research. Not because someone is earning it already means that it's legit. Most of the time, it's scam.
We'd like to help you avoid scam and give you an idea, if you still don't have, on how to earn cash from answering surveys. We want you to experience only the best, as far as our experience is concern, and we assure you that these are 100% legal and paying (though it really take some time).
Without further-ado here are my list of survey-offering sites that pays:
i-PanelOnline site is one of the most famous platform where you can earn points by answering surveys, publishing your opinion and even just for logging in!
i-PanelOnline awards you points ranging from 1-1000 for survey participation. If you started answering a survey and eventually screened out, you will still earn 1 point. You can also earn (30 to 1,000 points) from inviting others to be members of i-PanelOnline. This is apart from the 5% of the earnings of your referrals' earning that will be paid to you. 1,000 points is equivalent to P500, in Philippine currency, that will enable you to cash out. There are also sweepstakes here where you can earn significant amount.
Compared with the others, this platform is the most versatile for me and I highly recommend it. It's not the highest paying though, but you can participate with all other programs to maximize earning opportunity.
Click here to join i-PanelOnline
Survey Savvy
Another one is Survey Savvy. The core concept is basically the same. You will earn by answering surveys. You will also earn by referring your friends and the general public.
What's unique with Survey Savvy is that you will be able to earn from referral two different ways. The Tier 1 is earning from direct referrals. The Tier 2 is earning from the referrals of your referrals (indirect referrals). This means that the more referral you have, the more earnings you can get! Sharing Survey Savvy opportunity is really rewarding. There are also sweepstakes and contests here where you can earn significant amount.
You will need to earn only $1 in order to request pay out. That's awesome!
Click here to join Survey Savvy
Next one is PaidViewPoint. I've been with PaidViewPoint for three years now and I would say they are "tried and tested" when it comes to paying for answering surveys.
With PaidViewPoint, you will need to answer random "trait surveys" that will increase your "trait score" the higher the trait score you have, the greater your payment for answering the surveys will be. You will also earn by referring your friends and the general public to register and answer surveys.
I rarely receive surveys from this program but enough for me to earn something to buy coffee. :D Maybe because of the location? I read some blogs about how often people receive surveys from this program - they're not from Philippines. But it's also worth trying, nothing to lose.
In this program, you will need to earn $15 for you to cash out.
Click here to join PaidViewPoint
With iPoll, registration alone will give you a $5 bonus!
Unlike the other program, referring to the program will not earn you anything (even I will not earn referring you here). But what's wonderful here is that they are the best/highest paying per surveys answered compared to the others here. There are also sweepstakes here where you can earn significant amount.
With this program, you need to earn $25 for you to cash out.
Click here to join i-Poll.
Global Test Market
Same as the other, you can earn answering surveys. You can also earn by referring your friends and the general public. There are also sweepstakes here where you can earn significant amount.
With Global Test Market, you will earn 30-100 points by answering a survey and 20 points for referring your friends. 1,000 points can be converted to $50.
You will need 1,000 points to claim your reward/cash out.
E-mail me for me to invite you at Global Test Market.
Here's the Catch
We are confident that you will earn and will not be scammed joining the program we introduced to you, 100%. You will earn because, they (and their clients) need your opinion. Since they need your opinion, they are willing to pay for it. Most of these are market research companies and they are being engage to conduct study of their clients' market.
With all of these programs, you need to answer profile questions for them to know you better and for them to find the more appropriate surveys for you. It will take some time at the start but once you're done with it, you will start receiving appropriate surveys that will enable you to earn.
Our disclaimer here is that, you will earn cash answering survey, but it's not enough to replace your job. Spending less than 30 minutes each day answering survey will not make you rich. It will only give you some rewards that you can call "extra income" rather than wasting your time in the internet.
Also available - earn cash as online worker. Click here for details!
Remember, you are not required to buy or spend anything in these programs so it's worth trying. You will not lose anything (even your weight =D ).