Formatting numbers can easily be done. However, formatting percentages is somehow not that easy.
For example, you have 17.12% in your Excel (used as data source) and you want it to appear in your Word document just the same.

Word does not have a concept of percentages. However you can use the following technique to spell it out.
Option 1:
Multiply the merge field with 100 in Excel, and make the mergefield code look like this:
{ MERGEFIELD MyField \# "0%" }
Option 2:
Multiply with 100 in Word:
{ =100*{ MERGEFIELD MyField } \# "0%" }
Very important!: Remember, use Ctrl+F9 to insert field braces { }, do not type them yourself.
Option 3:
- Turn on "Confirm file format conversion at open" in the General section of the Advanced "tab" of File > Options.
- When you connect to the Excel workbook for the mail merge, Word will prompt you how to do that.
- Click Show All, then select "MS Excel worksheets via DDE".
- This will start Excel, and import the Excel values complete with their formatting.
And by the way, this is not my own knowledge, just a post from the support page of microsoft. Thanks to the contributor.
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